This is our updated Top-10, 2024-list of the most popular and best ultralight aircraft. Don't forget to rate and share the planes that you think deserves the top position.
Keep in mind that the classification of what is an ultralight aircraft differs between countries. Factors such as maximum take-off weight, stall speed, maximum speed and number of occupants affects the aircraft classification.
The Airbike is a FAR 103 ultralight aircraft. The Airbike has a steel tube fuselage and wings made of wood. Available as kit or plans for the aircraft builder.
With thousands sold all over the world Kitfox Classic 4 has evolved over the last 20 years to become the icon of the Kitfox. The Classic 4 is the most copied kit built on the market today.
The Aerolite 103 ultralight aircraft is for sale by U-FLY-IT who now is manufacturing this FAR 103 ultralight again. Aerolite kits and plans starting at $17,950.
It was in 1971, when Michel Colomban started work on this small aircraft Cri Cri with two engines. His target was to build small, economis plane with two engines, which would be able to flying also some aerobatic maneuvers.
The Hawk Classic Two Seat was designed for those who wanted the excellent flight and handling characteristics of our Hawk Classic Single Seat, but needed to carry a passenger or give flight instruction.
The FIB is a Flying Inflatable Boat, combining the best from the air and the sea. It flies like a trike, but is also a boat, perfect for those fishing trips.